Not just jazz

Wednesday, September 27, 2006


Its been 3 months to this date. All it took was one fine morning where nothing went right.. or maybe wrong. A spark... caused by friction of minds, words... acted as oxygen and the spark grew into a flame, attitudes and emotions... energized the flame to a fire

It all got burnt.

Still I am not sure if all went wrong or just right

Current Mood: Blank

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Carted Away

Speed thrills but kills - Read this at a traffic light in Bangalore few weeks ago. Ironically, while reading this board, we were speeding on a bike on a not so empty road.

I agree with the ad as I am slightly sceptical about riding bikes at high speeds. The sceptism could be a result of a small freaky bike accident I had few months ago. Speeding bikes and cars gives me a chill down my spine. I prefer taking it easy and playing safe.

And yesterday I went karting for the first time. At the first sight, I decided to kart in a 2 seater with my friend driving. As we started, he sped along so quick that I was almost petrified that I will die.... I yelled with fear and laughed because I was enjoying every minute of it... all at the same time. He increased pace further, drifted and screeched. Felt like some racing video game. He tried all the racing stunts and all along I was laughing and enjoying myself. Was I laughing because it was helping me forget my fear... I don't know. We did 7 laps and the ride was super!!

I was offered to do the single... but me being a me thought I wouldn't be able to handle that speed. My friend raced alone this time (feel stupid to have not done the single)

Tried my hand at pool after ages.... sucked at it big time. In a short time the lights on the racing track were up and my friend and I decided to race again. Initially I wanted to do the double with him. But he coaxed me to try driving this time for couple of laps. I for once, got brave and decided to give it at shot. I raced pretty well. I screeched and tried drifting. I accelerated, and timed all my turns pretty well. Did 7 laps with 2 glitches in between. But for a first time, I did well. I was happy. I can't end this blog without thanking my friend who convinced me to do it. Thank you :-)

After all the gaming, had a quiet dinner at a swanky restaurant in B'lore. A day well spent.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006


I am thinking about...
...what to write, what not to write

I said...
...yes even before being asked

I want to...
...try sky diving some day

I wish...
...I can get rid of my fear for animals and heights

I hear...
..."laa la laa laa laa... " these days ;-)

I wonder... I manage to think so much within a second

I regret...
...that I've never actually managed to be inspired enough to follow my passions.

I am...
...someone who has a prodigious quantity of mind; it takes me as much as a week sometimes to make it up.

I dance... music

I sing...
...once in 2 months when I finally decide its time to get back to my music lessons, which I started a while ago.

I cry...
...very easily

I am not always...
...what I appear to be

I make with my hands...
...burnt food ;-)

I write...
...less than half of the blogs I actually decide to write

I confuse...
...people, sit back and watch the fun

I need...
...Music, water and my sunscreen wherever I go

And finally...
...I manage to complete this tag!!!

Thanks and Regards to Shady and Mithun

People I want to put through this torture are...

Green-eyed Goblin

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Thought into Action

I was standing at the ticket counter waiting for my turn to buy a ticket to andheri on thursday morning. As I waited in queue, the station flooring was wet, dirty and stinking due to passing showers. I was feeling so miserable standing there and just thought to myself... I am so glad I don't work in Mumbai. Just when I thought that, I heard a group of people standing ahead of me speaking out loud... "Usko uthao... bichara baccha ro raha hai" - Pick him up. Poor kid is crying.

I peeped to see what was happening ahead of me. I see a boy age 5 with another kid age less than 1 sitting against the wall of the ticket counter on the floor. Both the kids were in rags, partially unclothed sitting in filth. They were oblivious to the world around them. The boy age 5 had a stone face with no expression what so ever. Nothing bothered him. So much so that the other kid who was an infant was crying desparately but nothing moved the other kid. Finally when people asked him to pick his kid brother (an assumption I am making), he lifted the baby and took him to the other side of the same ticket booking area and dropped him "thud" on the ground. He then sat right next to the crying kid staring into space. The kid continued crying loudly and got restless as each second passed by. His sound of crying was lost with the horns honking, dogs barking, people talking, vegetable vendors yelling. No one paid attention. No one acted. By then it was my turn to get my ticket. I was running late for an appointment with my doctor at andheri. I picked my ticket and decided to attend to the kid crying. I turned towards the baby and stopped right before the kid. I wasnt sure if I should assist or not. I paused for a second and something in me held me back from helping them and I decided to move on. I walked passed the children towards the train. As I boarded the train I was feeling miserable to have not helped them. I made a fervent prayer to GOD to come to their assistance NOW.... RIGHT NOW! I felt weak as a human being not having helped them. But at the same time, I felt helpless.

Feelings were mixed. These kids are deprived of love. They become emotionless. They have no fear. But does that mean they grow up to be strong individuals? I wonder....

Nonetheless I decided, if I see a similar situation again, I shall help. I shall not think about the consequences of my action. I shall act. As long as I know what my intentions are, nothing can go wrong. I felt lighter after making this decision. Now I only need an oppurtunity to put the thought into action.

But I shall continue to make my prayer for those kids and many more homeless children each morning for guidance and hope to live each day happily and give them the wisdom and strength to fight life fearlessly.

Monday, September 04, 2006

High Flying

Speed of an airplane, Rising height, Mumbai under lights, City festivities, Asia's largest hutment, Blue plastic covered roofs, Vastness of the Sea, Waves hitting the shore, Stillness of the Ocean, Over whelming, Tiny specs of human existance, Swirling in air over the endless ocean away from the Sun, Churning of the tummy, Turbulant ride, Excitement, Sun Rays hitting your face, Spotless Blue sky, Burning Sun setting for the day, Twilight, Beautiful, Inspiring, Concrete jungle, Thin strip of land, Layers of Clouds like a Cotton bed, More layers of cloud, Sun Set, Darkness at 35k ft above sea level, And more darkness, Fading lights of smaller towns, Descend begins, Plunges 10k ft towards ground zero, Visibility improves, Brightly lit city down below, Circles around the city descending further down and finally the landing.
I have flown between Mumbai and Bangalore umpteen times in the last 2 years and each time I am asked for a choice of seat by the airline staff, I never miss the chance to take a window seat. To see the same sight again each time is breathtaking! But somehow, words cannot do justice to the experience one has!! Can't wait to be on board again :-)