Not just jazz

Monday, September 04, 2006

High Flying

Speed of an airplane, Rising height, Mumbai under lights, City festivities, Asia's largest hutment, Blue plastic covered roofs, Vastness of the Sea, Waves hitting the shore, Stillness of the Ocean, Over whelming, Tiny specs of human existance, Swirling in air over the endless ocean away from the Sun, Churning of the tummy, Turbulant ride, Excitement, Sun Rays hitting your face, Spotless Blue sky, Burning Sun setting for the day, Twilight, Beautiful, Inspiring, Concrete jungle, Thin strip of land, Layers of Clouds like a Cotton bed, More layers of cloud, Sun Set, Darkness at 35k ft above sea level, And more darkness, Fading lights of smaller towns, Descend begins, Plunges 10k ft towards ground zero, Visibility improves, Brightly lit city down below, Circles around the city descending further down and finally the landing.
I have flown between Mumbai and Bangalore umpteen times in the last 2 years and each time I am asked for a choice of seat by the airline staff, I never miss the chance to take a window seat. To see the same sight again each time is breathtaking! But somehow, words cannot do justice to the experience one has!! Can't wait to be on board again :-)


Blogger Mithun said...

feels like being on cloud 9?

10:24 PM  
Blogger Mayuresh said...

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12:45 PM  
Blogger Mayuresh said...

reading this post reminds me of my first takeoff from Sahar Airport....
The contrast that you see is striking.. even for some one like me who has know the city for years....
After a few moments, the kaleidoscopic landscape below you give ways to the soothing azzure Arabian Sea...

.... writing about it is making me so nostalgic.

12:46 PM  
Blogger Harsha S Rao said...


5:53 PM  
Blogger 28112 said...

I agree with you completely...I love being on board just for the take off and landing....It makes the experience of flying just so awesome.....And just like you I think I always ask for a window seat.....Till date the most beautiful sight after take off has been from MUMBAI.over the arabian 12:30 a.m...

7:29 AM  
Blogger Swati said...

@ Mithun: Would not want to make comparisons here :)

@Mayuresh: I agree... Btw, you home sick?

@Harsha: Thanks!

@g-eb: I can't argue more!!

1:53 AM  
Blogger Praveen Mayakar said...

On board experience...truly an awesome experience...

11:00 PM  
Blogger Swati said...

@kb: Why do I feel you are missing something here... or Was it bright enough at 6:30 in the morning? ;-)

@Praveen Mayakar: Can't argue on that. Thanks for stopping by

11:56 PM  

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