Not just jazz

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Thought into Action

I was standing at the ticket counter waiting for my turn to buy a ticket to andheri on thursday morning. As I waited in queue, the station flooring was wet, dirty and stinking due to passing showers. I was feeling so miserable standing there and just thought to myself... I am so glad I don't work in Mumbai. Just when I thought that, I heard a group of people standing ahead of me speaking out loud... "Usko uthao... bichara baccha ro raha hai" - Pick him up. Poor kid is crying.

I peeped to see what was happening ahead of me. I see a boy age 5 with another kid age less than 1 sitting against the wall of the ticket counter on the floor. Both the kids were in rags, partially unclothed sitting in filth. They were oblivious to the world around them. The boy age 5 had a stone face with no expression what so ever. Nothing bothered him. So much so that the other kid who was an infant was crying desparately but nothing moved the other kid. Finally when people asked him to pick his kid brother (an assumption I am making), he lifted the baby and took him to the other side of the same ticket booking area and dropped him "thud" on the ground. He then sat right next to the crying kid staring into space. The kid continued crying loudly and got restless as each second passed by. His sound of crying was lost with the horns honking, dogs barking, people talking, vegetable vendors yelling. No one paid attention. No one acted. By then it was my turn to get my ticket. I was running late for an appointment with my doctor at andheri. I picked my ticket and decided to attend to the kid crying. I turned towards the baby and stopped right before the kid. I wasnt sure if I should assist or not. I paused for a second and something in me held me back from helping them and I decided to move on. I walked passed the children towards the train. As I boarded the train I was feeling miserable to have not helped them. I made a fervent prayer to GOD to come to their assistance NOW.... RIGHT NOW! I felt weak as a human being not having helped them. But at the same time, I felt helpless.

Feelings were mixed. These kids are deprived of love. They become emotionless. They have no fear. But does that mean they grow up to be strong individuals? I wonder....

Nonetheless I decided, if I see a similar situation again, I shall help. I shall not think about the consequences of my action. I shall act. As long as I know what my intentions are, nothing can go wrong. I felt lighter after making this decision. Now I only need an oppurtunity to put the thought into action.

But I shall continue to make my prayer for those kids and many more homeless children each morning for guidance and hope to live each day happily and give them the wisdom and strength to fight life fearlessly.


Blogger Mithun said...

Sometimes you open the window to look outside and pick a topic to blog, sometimes you look inside you to pick a topic to blog. This one does both. A daily scene told with a touching sincerity.

12:09 AM  
Blogger Swati said...

@Mithun: Your comment completes this blog. Thanks!

1:54 AM  
Blogger Harsha S Rao said...

Very touching...

5:33 AM  
Blogger wini said...

That made an awesome read sweets....

6:58 PM  
Blogger Swati said...

@Harsha: This tme round also I felt I couldn't express the actual feeling I had then. Nonetheless, it turned out alright :)

@Wini: Surprise surprise.... you actually found time to check my blog!! ;-) Thanks sweetie

10:12 PM  
Blogger 28112 said...

hey nice blog....I could actually imagine the whole scene so well..beautiful descriptive prowess..

But u do make a valid in the moment..not to sound too filmi but kya pataa kal ho na ho.....
something interesting I always keep in mind

Work like you don't need money,
Love like you've never been hurt,
And dance like no one's watching

8:49 PM  

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